
Materials Landing Page

This is a landing page to better understand the pages available under "Materials". If you have any questions, please email

Pronoun Materials

Use this page to learn more about how to download virtual Zoom pronoun backgrounds or the template for printing out pronoun stickers for in-person events. Included on this webpage are also quick best practice guides for using either kind of pronoun material.

Bathroom Stickers

Use this page to learn more about how IDHR will be rolling out new bathroom stickers in Fall 2021. You'll also be able to see the multiple versions and access virtual versions of the stickers with live links. 

How To Help

Use this page to learn more about how to support a friend or a loved one who has experienced sexual misconduct. 

Responsible Employee Information

Use this information to access a helpful information sheet for Responsible Employees.

Educational Materials

Use these page to access educational materials about IDHR services, resource on campus, our brochures and materials to help raise awareness about what IDHR does and why someone may want to connect with us.